Field Render

Display a Taxonomy selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Field Group

Field Settings

Setting nameDescription
Filter which taxonomy can be chosen
AppearanceSelect the appearance of this field
Return ValueReturn the taxonomy name or object
Allow empty value
LayoutChoose the layout
ToggleAllow to toggle all values
Allow CustomAllow custom value
Select multiple valuesAllow multiple values selection
Stylised UIEnable Select2 UI style

Field Value

Return Format: Taxonomy Object

$taxonomies = get_field('taxonomies');

 * array(
 *     'name'               => 'my-taxonomy',
 *     'label'              => 'My Taxonomy',
 *     'description'        => '',
 *     'public'             => true,
 *     'publicly_queryable' => true,
 *     'hierarchical'       => true,
 *     ...
 * )

Return Format: Taxonomy Name

$taxonomies = get_field('taxonomies');

// my-taxonomy

Unformatted Value

$taxonomies = get_field('taxonomies', false, false);

// my-taxonomy