Ajax Author Box

The native WP Author Metabox has been replaced with an Ajax version allowing to manage thousands of users without slowing down the post administration. The new Author box also include an inline search input.

ACF Extended
Howdy, ACF Extended
Edit Page
Field Group
Status: Published
Visibility: Public

User Roles

The Ajax Author Box follows the native WordPress Author Box behavior and display User roles with at least level_1 capability (authors). See documentation.

Custom Query

It is possible the customize the Ajax Query using the acf/fields/user/query filter. See the WP User Query documentation to get the list of all available parameters. Usage example:

add_filter('acf/fields/user/query/name=acfe_author', 'my_acf_author_args', 10, 4);
function my_acf_author_args($args, $field, $post_id){
    // Allow 'Subscriber' Role
    $args['role__in'][] = 'subscriber';
    // Include only specific users
    $args['include'] = array(16, 22, 58);
    return $args;

Disable the module

The Ajax Author Box module is enabled by default. It can be enabled and disabled in the Settings UIPRO, or with the following code:

// Using acf/init
add_action('acf/init', 'my_acfe_modules');
function my_acfe_modules(){

    // Disable Ajax Author box
    acf_update_setting('acfe/modules/author', false);

// Or using acfe/init
add_action('acfe/init', 'my_acfe_modules');
function my_acfe_modules(){
    // Disable Ajax Author box
    acfe_update_setting('modules/author', false);