FREESettings UI

The Settings UI allows developers to get an overview of all ACF and ACF Extended settings values from the ACF > Settings menu. The free version display all settings default & updated values, their description and code.

You can read more about ACF Settings on the documentation.

PROEdit Settings

The pro version allows developers to directly enable, disable or edit settings within the UI without having to use code.


Absolute path to ACF plugin folder including trailing slash.
Defaults to plugin_dir_path


URL to ACF plugin folder including trailing slash. Defaults to plugin_dir_url

Show/hide ACF menu item. Defaults to true

Runs the function stripslashes on all $_POST data. Some servers / WP instals may require this extra functionality. Defaults to false

Enable/Disable local (PHP/json) fields. Defaults to true

Enable/Disable json fields. Defaults to true

Absolute path to folder where json files will be created when field groups are saved.
Defaults to ‘acf-json’ folder within current theme


Array of absolutes paths to folders where field group json files can be read.
Defaults to an array containing at index 0, the ‘acf-json’ folder within current theme


Language code of the default language. Defaults to ”.
If WPML is active, ACF will default this to the WPML default language setting

Language code of the current post’s language. Defaults to ”.
If WPML is active, ACF will default this to the WPML current language

Capability used for ACF post types and if the current user can see the ACF menu item.
Defaults to ‘manage_options’.


Enable/Disable updates to appear in plugin list and show/hide the ACF updates admin page.
Defaults to true.

Sets the text domain used when translating field and field group settings.
Defaults to ”. Strings will not be translated if this setting is empty

Allows ACF to translate field and field group settings using the __() function.
Defaults to true. Useful to override translation without modifying the textdomain

Sets the text domain used when translating field and field group settings.
Defaults to ”. Strings will not be translated if this setting is empty

Specify a Google Maps API authentication key to prevent usage limits.
Defaults to ”

Specify a Google Maps API Client ID to prevent usage limits.
Not needed if using google_api_key. Defaults to ”

Allows ACF to enqueue and load the Google Maps API JS library.
Defaults to true

Allows ACF to enqueue and load the Select2 JS/CSS library.
Defaults to true

Defines which version of Select2 library to enqueue. Either 3 or 4.
Defaults to 4 since ACF 5.6.0

Allows ACF to enqueue and load the WP datepicker JS/CSS library.
Defaults to true

Allows ACF to enqueue and load the datetimepicker JS/CSS library.
Defaults to true

Defines the starting index used in all ‘loop’ and ‘row’ functions.
Defaults to 1 (1 is the first row), can be changed to 0 (0 is the first row)

Allows ACF to remove the default WP custom fields metabox. Defaults to true

Enables/disables the ACF REST API integration.. Defaults to true

Defines how ACF formats field values in the REST API. Defaults to light


Enables/disables embed links for ACF fields in the REST API. Defaults to true

Allows ACF to preload the initial render html of ACF Blocks into the block editor. Defaults to true


Detected Theme Folder


Detected Theme Path


Detected Theme URL

Whenever Json AutoSync is enabled

Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Json AutoSync saving path


Whenever PHP AutoSync is enabled

PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


PHP AutoSync saving path


Block Types Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Block Types Json AutoSync saving path


Block Types PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


Block Types PHP AutoSync saving path


Options Pages Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Options Pages Json AutoSync saving path


Options Pages PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


Options Pages PHP AutoSync saving path


Post Types Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Post Types Json AutoSync saving path


Post Types PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


Post Types PHP AutoSync saving path


Taxonomies Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Taxonomies Json AutoSync saving path


Taxonomies PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


Taxonomies PHP AutoSync saving path


Templates Json AutoSync load paths (array)


Templates Json AutoSync saving path


Templates PHP AutoSync load paths (array)


Templates PHP AutoSync saving path


Show/hide the Author module. Defaults to true

Show/hide the Block Types module. Defaults to true

Enable/disable the Field Group Categories taxonomy. Defaults to true

Enable the Classic Editor module. Defaults to false

Show/hide the advanced WP post meta box. Defaults to false

Enable the enhanced Field Group UI module. Defaults to true

Enable the Force Sync module. Defaults to false

Sync deleted field groups files. Force Sync must be enabled. Defaults to false

Show/hide the Forms module. Defaults to true

Display [acfe_form] shortcode preview in editors. Defaults to false

(Local code)

Enable the Global Field Condition module. Defaults to true

Enable/disable Multilang compatibility module for WPML & Polylang. Defaults to true

Show/hide the Options module. Defaults to true

Show/hide the Options Pages module. Defaults to true

Enable/disable Performance module. Defaults to empty

Show/hide the Post Types module. Defaults to true

Enable the Rewrite Rules UI. Defaults to true

Enable the Columns Screen Layouts. Defaults to true

Enable the Scripts UI. Defaults to true

Enable Demo Scripts. Defaults to false

Show/hide the Taxonomies module. Defaults to true

Enable the Templates module. Defaults to true

Show/hide the UI enhancements module. Defaults to true


PROExport/Import Settings

It is possible to export and import Settings in a Json file using the ACF > Tools menu. Settings can also be exported in PHP format, to manually register them in the functions.php file. Those tools are also available directly within the Settings UI sidebar.

Hide Module Menu

ACF Extended use the native ACF setting show_admin to determine if the module menu should be displayed or not. You can read more about that setting on the ACF article How to hide ACF menu from clients. Usage example:

add_filter('acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false');