Edit Modal

Allow users to edit the layouts sub fields in a modal, instead of opening layouts on the page. This setting will disable all the Layouts State settings, since it will force the layouts a collapsed (or displaying the Dynamic Preview).

Click the "Add Row" button below to start creating your layout
0 Layout
1 Layout
Setting nameDescription
Modal SizeDefine the modal size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large & Full.
Layout Modal SizeDefine a custom modal size for each layouts.

Selection Modal

Allow users to select the layouts to add in a modal instead of the native ACF dropdown. This setting will display the layouts in a grid based system for a better user experience.

Click the "Add Row" button below to start creating your layout
0 Header
0 Hero
0 Cards
0 Newsletter
Setting nameDescription
Modal TitleDefine the modal title
Modal SizeDefine the modal size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large & Full.
ColumnsDefine the columns grid: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 columns
CategoriesEnable the layouts categories tabs. This setting will display a new category setting for each layouts.

Settings Modal

Choose a field group to clone and to used as a configuration modal for each layout. This setting will add a new icon in the layout handle bar. When clicked, a modal will open the cloned field group displaying the sub fields of your choice.

Click the "Add Row" button below to start creating your layout
0 Layout
1 Layout
Setting nameDescription
Clone SettingsDefine the field groups to clone in the modal
Modal SizeDefine the modal size: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large & Full.

Front-End Render

In order to display the clone sub fields on the front-end layouts, you can use the dedicated helpers with the following loop:

    while(have_settings()): the_setting();

        $setting = get_sub_field('my_setting');


You can also use the native ACF method to loop thru clone sub fields if you prefer:

    while(have_rows('layout_settings')): the_row();

        $setting = get_sub_field('my_setting');
