Forms Hooks

Dynamic Forms are bundled with general hooks allowing you to change the form settings, add validation rules and trigger a custom action on submission. Those hooks are tied to forms, and act independently from Actions.

Form Arguments

The acfe/form/load_form filter is used to change the form settings, right before it is rendered on the page. Note that fields inputs cannot be retrieved using get_field() here, as the form hasn’t been submitted yet. Usage example:

 * Form Load
 * @array $form  Form array settings
 * @return array|false
filter('acfe/form/load_form',              $form, $post_id);
filter('acfe/form/load_form/form=my-form', $form, $post_id);
add_filter('acfe/form/load_form/form=my-form', 'my_form_load');
function my_form_load($form){
    // change form success message dynamically
    $form['success']['message'] = 'New success message!';

    // preload repeater values
    $form['map']['field_621a65c15521d']['value'] = array(
            'field_621a65cc5521e' => 'Row 1'
            'field_621a65cc5521e' => 'Row 2'

    // change field label
    $form['map']['field_621a65c15521d']['label'] = 'New label';

    // add field instruction
    $form['map']['field_621a65c15521d']['instructions'] = 'New instructions';
    // hide the form
    // return false;
    // return normally
    return $form;

Form Render

Forms have multiple hooks allowing developers to display custom code on form render. Here is a visual representation of the hooks placement on the page:

<p>Success Message</p>

<!-- acfe/form/render_before_form -->

<form class="acfe-form">
    <div class="acf-fields">
        <!-- acfe/form/render_before_fields -->

        <!-- acfe/form/render_fields -->
        <div class="acf-field">
            <div class="acf-label">Field</div>
            <div class="acf-input">
                <input type="text" />
        <!-- acfe/form/render_after_fields -->


<!-- acfe/form/render_after_form -->

Before Form Render

 * Form Render: Before Form
 * @array  $form  Form arguments
action('acfe/form/render_before_form',                $form);
action('acfe/form/render_before_form/name=my-form',   $form);

Before Fields Render

 * Form Render: Before Fields
 * @array  $form  Form arguments
action('acfe/form/render_before_fields',              $form);
action('acfe/form/render_before_fields/form=my-form', $form);

After Fields Render

 * Form Render: After Fields
 * @array  $form  Form arguments
action('acfe/form/render_after_fields',               $form);
action('acfe/form/render_after_fields/form=my-form',  $form);

After Form Render

 * Form Render: After Form
 * @array  $form  Form arguments
action('acfe/form/render_after_form',                 $form);
action('acfe/form/render_after_form/form=my-form',    $form);

Form Validation

The acfe/form/validate_form action is used to add rules during the ajax form validation process, before form submission.

Unlike the acf/validate_value hook which validate each fields values individually, acfe/form/validation will validate the whole form. It can be used to check one field against an another.

The acfe_add_validation_error() function should be used to return an error. It is possible to return a general error by omitting to reference a field’s name. Example: acfe_add_validation_error('', 'General error message'). Usage example:

 * Form Validation
 * @array $form  Form array settings
action('acfe/form/validate_form',              $form);
action('acfe/form/validate_form/form=my-form', $form);
add_action('acfe/form/validation/form=my-form', 'my_form_validation');
function my_form_validation($form){
    // get current post id
    // where the form is displayed
    $post_id = $form['post_id'];
    // get field input value
    $my_field = get_field('my_field');
    // check field value
    if($my_field === 'Company'){
        // add validation error
        acfe_add_validation_error('my_field', 'The value Company is not allowed');

Form Submission

The acfe/form/submit_form action is used to trigger a custom script on form submission, after its validation and after all actions have been submitted. Usage example:

 * Form Submit
 * @array  $form  Form array settings
action('acfe/form/submit_form',              $form);
action('acfe/form/submit_form/form=my-form', $form);
add_action('acfe/form/submit_form/form=my-form', 'my_form_submit');
function my_form_submit($form){

    // get current post id
    // where the form is displayed
    $post_id = $form['post_id'];
    // get field input value
    $my_field = get_field('my_field');
    // check field value
    if($my_field === 'Company'){
        // do something

Form Success

It is possible to use the acfe/form/success_form hook to display advanced success message with dynamic data. Note that you’ll have to leave the “Success Message” setting in the Form UI empty, to avoid having multiple messages.

Additionally, please note that if you want to use form field input values using get_field(), you’ll have to make sure you don’t have any “Redirect Action”. Usage example:

 * Form Success
 * @array  $form  Form settings
action('acfe/form/success_form',              $form);
action('acfe/form/success_form/name=my-form', $form);
add_action('acfe/form/success_form/name=my-form', 'my_form_success');
function my_form_success($form){
    // get field input value
    $my_field = get_field('my_field');
    // check field value
    if($my_field === 'Company'){
        echo 'The form has been successfully submitted!';

Format Values

It is possible to format the return value of the {field:my_field} and {fields} templates tags using the acfe/form/format_value filter. Usage example:

 * Format Value
 * @mixed  $formatted    Field value (already formatted by ACF)
 * @mixed  $unformatted  Unformatted field value
 * @int    $post_id      Post ID (where the form is displayed)
 * @array  $field        Field settings array
filter('acfe/form/format_value',                         $formatted, $unformatted, $post_id, $field);
filter('acfe/form/format_value/type=text',               $formatted, $unformatted, $post_id, $field);
filter('acfe/form/format_value/key=field_609bc6213c51b', $formatted, $unformatted, $post_id, $field);
filter('acfe/form/format_value/name=my_field',           $formatted, $unformatted, $post_id, $field);
add_filter('acfe/form/format_value/name=my_field', 'my_form_format_value', 10, 4);
function my_form_format_value($formatted, $unformatted, $post_id, $field){
    // apply change
    $value = ucfirst($value);
    // return value
    return $value;

JavaScript Success

The following Javascript hook is triggered on the form success page and can be used to perform a custom action.

It is recommended to use the acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts hook to enqueue a custom ACF JS file. See documentation.

 * JavaScript Success
acf.addAction('acfe/form/submit/success/name=my-form', function(){

    // do_something();
