Redirect Action

The Redirect Action is a template to create a redirection on form submission.

Dynamic Form

Add actions on form submission

Click the "Add action" button below to start creating your layout
0 Custom action

Set a unique action slug.

0 Email action
0 Option action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

0 Post action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

0 Redirect action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

The URL to redirect to. See "Cheatsheet" tab for all available template tags.

0 Term action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

0 User action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

1 Redirect action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

The URL to redirect to. See "Cheatsheet" tab for all available template tags.

Redirect Settings

Setting nameDescription
Action nameAlias name allowing to use targeted hook
Action URLThe URL to redirect to.


By default, there is no validation for this Action. You can use the acf/validate_value hook to validate each fields individually.

To validate the whole form, you can use the acfe/form/validate_redirect hook and throw errors with the acfe_add_validation_error() function. Usage example:

 * Redirect Action: Validation
 * @array  $form    Form settings array
 * @array  $action  Action settings array
action('acfe/form/validate_redirect',                    $form, $action);
action('acfe/form/validate_redirect/form=my-form',       $form, $action);
action('acfe/form/validate_redirect/action=my-redirect', $form, $action);
add_action('acfe/form/validate_redirect/form=my-form', 'my_redirect_validation', 10, 2);
function my_redirect_validation($form, $action){
    // get current post id
    // where the form is displayed
    $post_id = $form['post_id'];
    // get field input value
    $my_field = get_field('my_field');
    // check field value
    if($my_field === 'Company'){
        // add validation error
        acfe_add_validation_error('my_field', 'The value Company is not allowed');


The preparation phase is triggered after the form validation and before its submission. Returning false will stop the Action and go to the next one. Usage example:

 * Redirect Action: Prepare
 * @array  $action  Action settings array
 * @array  $form    Form settings array
 * @return array|false
filter('acfe/form/prepare_redirect',                    $action, $form);
filter('acfe/form/prepare_redirect/form=my-form',       $action, $form);
filter('acfe/form/prepare_redirect/action=my-redirect', $action, $form);
add_filter('acfe/form/prepare_redirect/form=my-form', 'my_redirect_prepare', 10, 2);
function my_redirect_prepare($action, $form){
    // if user isn't logged in
    // do not redirect
        return false;
    // return normally
    return $action;

Redirect URL

Change the redirection URL. Usage example:

 * Redirect Action: URL
 * @string  $url     Redirect URL
 * @array   $form    Form settings array
 * @array   $action  Action settings array
 * @return string|false

filter('acfe/form/submit_redirect_url',                    $url, $form, $action);
filter('acfe/form/submit_redirect_url/form=my-form',       $url, $form, $action);
filter('acfe/form/submit_redirect_url/action=my-redirect', $url, $form, $action);
add_filter('acfe/form/submit_redirect_url/form=my-form', 'my_redirect_url', 10, 3);
function my_redirect_url($url, $form, $action){

    // get field input value
    $my_field = get_field('my_field');
    // check field value
    // and change redirect url
    if($my_field === 'Company'){
        $url = home_url('thank-you');

    // get previous post action output (if any)
    // retrieve the 'permalink' specifically
    $post_permalink = acfe_get_form_action('post.permalink');
    // check the permalink exists
    // and use it as redirect url
        $url = home_url($post_permalink);

    // do not redirect
    // return false;
    // return normally
    return $url;