Advanced Post Location

Advanced Post Locations is a collection of multiple new Field Groups locations allowing developers to target posts with specific conditions.

Post Author

Target posts published by one or multiple post authors. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to.


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Post Author Role

Target posts published by one or multiple post author roles. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to.


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Post Date

Target posts published on a specific date. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, is less than, is less or equal to, is greater than, is greater or equal to.


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Post Date Time

Target posts published on a specific date and time. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, is less than, is less or equal to, is greater than, is greater or equal to.


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Post Path

Target posts using a specific path. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, contains, doesn’t contains, starts with, doesn’t starts with, ends with, doesn’t ends with, matches regex, doesn’t matches regex.


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Post Screen

Target specific post screen between “Add new” and “Edit”. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to.


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Post Slug

Target posts using a specific slug. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, contains, doesn’t contains, starts with, doesn’t starts with, ends with, doesn’t ends with, matches regex, doesn’t matches regex.


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Post Time

Target posts published on a specific time. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, is less than, is less or equal to, is greater than, is greater or equal to.


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Post Title

Target posts using a specific title. Allowed operators: Is equal to, is not equal to, contains, doesn’t contains, starts with, doesn’t starts with, ends with, doesn’t ends with, matches regex, doesn’t matches regex.


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