WP Settings Locations

Display field groups on WP Settings pages. This feature is compatible with the following settings pages: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media and Pemalinks


Create a set of rules to determine edit screens

Show this field group if

ACF Extended
Howdy, ACF Extended
General Settings
General Settings

This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this, we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.

General Settings
Field Group

Fields Values

Fields values are saved using a custom post ID based on the WP setting page name. Example: options-general.

You can retrieve fields values using the common get_field() function. Usage example:

// Settings Page: General
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-general');

// Settings Page: Writing
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-writing');

// Settings Page: Reading
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-reading');

// Settings Page: Discussion
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-discussion');

// Settings Page: Media
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-media');

// Settings Page: Permalinks
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-permalink');