WP Settings Locations
Display field groups on WP Settings pages. This feature is compatible with the following settings pages: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media and Pemalinks
ACF Extended
Howdy, ACF Extended
Fields Values
Fields values are saved using a custom post ID based on the WP setting page name. Example: options-general
You can retrieve fields values using the common get_field()
function. Usage example:
// Settings Page: General
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-general');
// Settings Page: Writing
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-writing');
// Settings Page: Reading
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-reading');
// Settings Page: Discussion
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-discussion');
// Settings Page: Media
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-media');
// Settings Page: Permalinks
$textarea = get_field('textarea', 'options-permalink');